Tuesday, March 29, 2011


TO: Anyone out there that is looking for the:
DOL LM-2 Labor Organization 
Annual Report for the Regional Council


#1: Please visit the 

#2: Please search for the following file number
 # 035-751

And that is how you will find the DOL LM-2 Report!

More Thoughts about our Constitution

Again, I was paging through our Constitution when I came upon the following items...

PAGE: 34
TITLE: "Nomination, Election, and Appointment in Subordinate Bodies"
According to this section, the following are neccessities of the 

"...Business Representatives, Assistant Business Representatives, and Organizers shall be appointed by the Executive Secretary Treasurer of the Council, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee of the Council..."

In my time as a delegate I don't think we have hired any new Business Representatives or Organizers. 

Furthermore, I do not believe I have ever heard of the Executive Committee 
approving someone to be a Business Representative or Organizer. 
And that is if we had hired one. Anyone, please correct me if I am wrong.


Hey members!

So, as I was reading through our North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters Bylaws booklet, I noticed something quite fantastic...

According to our Bylaws 
[on page 25, section 37]
TITLED: Alternate Delegates
 the following text will be found:

"Alternate Regional Council Delegates from a Local Union
are recognized by this Regional Council and must be eleceted
in accordance with the Constitution and the Laws of the United
Brotherhood governing nominations and elections in subordinate
bodies. The number of alternate delegates cannot exceed one [1]
for Local Unions under 500 members and two [2] alternate
delegates for Local Unions over 501 members. An alternate
Delegate can only vote when he or she is replacing an 
excused regular Delegate."

According to this, found in our governing text, 
all Locals should be able to seat Alternate Delegates 
when a Regular Delegate is excused. 

However, according to our EST [Jim Moore] the 
Locals of this Regional Council will not be seating Alternates.

This makes me wonder if the EST 
is now more powerful than the our Constitution and Bylaws.

Or, better yet, does this mean our
EST is enforcing rules arbitrarily? For his benefit?

It makes me wonder. 
It should make all of our members wonder too.

A Website for Members

I will be making a motion 
at the April 13th Local #322 meeting to have a Local #322 website created.

I am making this motion because:
I think that it would be an extremely 
beneficial, timely, and efficient 
way for the local to communicate.

I think that creating this website would allow for  
more transparency within our local 
as Mr. Harry D. Melander, our Local #322 President, stated we need.

This website, I will suggest, 
will be most relevantto the members of Local #322 
and will only have user profiles to be had by members of the local.

-The following is the text of the 
motion I have created for this-

To the members of Local #322, I make the motion that the Local [#322] create a website for the sole purpose of sharing pertinent Local information with its members. This website is to contain all business/correspondence, mail, and requests. Also hosted on this site are to be copies of the E-Board meeting minutes and Local #322 Union meeting minutes-whether these minutes are approved or not. Unapproved meeting minutes of Local #322’s E-Board meetings and Union meetings are to be posted within 48 hours of the respective meeting’s adjournment. Also following the adjournment of the meeting, and subsequent vote to approve the previous meeting’s minutes, these minutes are to be stamped by the Recording Secretary as having been approved or unapproved. The business/correspondence, mail, requests, and minutes are to be posted expediently and in a pdf or Open Office format to be easily accessible by all. The Local [#322] will cover all expenses of designing and maintaining said Local #322 website.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

In the interest of making our UnitedTogether322 blog more apparent...


In the interest of making our UnitedTogether#322 blog more easily accessible, this URL [http://unitedtogether322.blogspot.com] has been submitted to a number of different search engines. By providing the blog's URL to different search engines, such as Google and Yahoo, the blog will be more easily found by our local's members.

Search engines perform "crawls" of the internet. During these "crawls" new URLs are found - new URLs such as the one that would direct you to our little blog here! As the internet is massive, adding a URL can take some time. But have no fear, because I [Pete's daughter, Hannah] am a troubleshooting master! Below is a list of search engines that have successfully, and a couple not successfully, that have added the [http://unitedtogether322.blogspot.com] URL to their library. Additions such as these do not take effect overnight.

Once again, understand that world-wide-web is immense, these things can take a bit of time.

A way to help the process is to get involved! Get other people involved on our blog, comment on the blog posts, search for the blog on Google.com or Blogger.com. The more people that are looking for us, and the more people that are participating, the more pertinent our blog's "search-a-bility" will be.

Google ... successful
Jayde ... failed
Alexa ... successful
Scrub the Web ... successful
ExactSeek ... successful
Fyber Search ... successful
InfoTiger ... successful
WalHello ... successful
EntireWeb ... failed
Burf ... successful
WebSquash ... successful
Anoox ... failed
GhetoSearch ... successful
Feedplex ... successful
Amfibi ... successful
Active Search Results ... successful
SurfSafely ... successful
WhatUSeek ... successful
Amidalla ... successful
Secret Search Engine Labs ... failed
Acoon ... successful
Boitho ... successful
MyaHint ... successful
SearchSight ... successful
Claymont ... successful
Slider ... successful

  • All the Web
  • Alta Vista
  • AOL
  • Beauco Up!
  • Clusty
  • CurryGuide
  • Dogpile
  • Excite
  • Family Friendly Search
  • Fazzle
  • Find Info
  • Galaxy
  • GigaBlast
  • Go.com
  • Hotbot
  • IceRocket
  • Info.com
  • InfoGrid
  • InfoSpace
  • Internet Sleuth
  • Ixquick
  • iZito
  • Kanoodle
  • Kartoo
  • Lycos
  • Mamma
  • MetaCrawler
  • MetaEureka
  • Netscape
  • One Page MultiSearch Engines
  • Proteus
  • Scrub the Web
  • Search Hippo
  • Search the Web
  • Search.com
  • SurfWax
  • Teoma
  • Turbo10
  • WebCrawler
  • ZapMeta
  • Highway 61
  • 37.com
  • One Seek
  • MetaSpider
  • MegaGo

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Time & Date of Next Local #322 Meeting


Hello friends. I hope everyone is enjoying this late spring snow storm!

So last night, after a day of work at The Pier House in Minneapolis, I stopped by 730 Olive Street to speak with Rick Peterson. After kabbitzing with Rick for awhile our conversation turned toward the reason I'd stopped in, to find out the date and time of our new #322 union meetings. Rick told me that the next meeting of Local #322 will happen on Wednesday, April 13th at 7:30 pm. This 7:30 pm meeting is to be held at 730 Olive Street. After hearing this I told Rick that 7:30 pm was not the time that was recommended by the members at the last meeting. The members had requested the meeting take place at 6 pm on any Wednesday during the month[s]. Rick went on to me that the time and date of the Local #322 meetings would be decided by the Executive Board [E-Board]. 

After hearing this, I reminded Rick that any motion that is seconded and passed on the floor of a Local #322 meeting will supersede a decision made by the E-Board and cannot be rescinded by them

I strongly recommended to Rick Peterson, Burt [the lawyer], and Jake Rogers, that the E-Board take the local's request for 6 pm Wednesday meetings to heart. "There will be an uprising if they do not take our request seriously," I told Rick. [I was only partially kidding when I told him this.] 

I guess we will see what happens.

Hello Everyone!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the new Local #322 blog site!

To begin, this message is to represent the mission statement of this blog. 
Please see below.

 This blog site is to function as a means of communication amongst all members of Local #322. The purpose of this site, on a larger scale, is to act as a facility for the exchange of beneficial ideas. This forum is to be unabridged, member-mediated, and in all ways a fair, open, and unbiased discussion board.

Pointedly, it is to be noted that in no way is this site related to, or governed by, the North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters.
No posts, updates, or other information from this blog are or will be connected to the North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters in a manner outside of content.