Saturday, August 27, 2011

At the Convention: WE WON

Congratulations!  We did it!

The true Unionists amongst those at the Caucus and Convention really came through!

So congratulations and thank-you.

8.7.11.John Swanson-rerun Election Rally Letter

Everyone should be very proud of our victory!

Friday, August 26, 2011

In Relation to Hinckley's Convention

The Top 10 Reasons to NOT RE-ELECT Jim Moore:

10. Because nepotism is never a good hiring practice!

9. Because if we have to hear about the 6 million dollar
mortgage 1 more time I am going to shove a pencil through my ear!

8. Because Jim’s secretary embezzled  $264,000.00 and he never lost access to Ultra [the computer system the money was stole through]. 
And he never took responsibility, instead he threw Ken Clark under the bus [what a weasel thing to do].

7. Because during the meeting we are supposed to use Roberts Rules not 'jim’s rules.'

6. Because $200 a week per diem is using members money to live a lavish lifestyle . 

5. Because using members money to take family and friends to the Vikings Packers game and calling it a meeting is just wrong!

4. Because anyone who has an opinion different than Jim Moore's is NOT AUTOMATICALLY wrong.

3. Because calling members who work passionately to further the brotherhood "Heat Merchants" is causing dissension.

2. Because if you feel you need to justify your wage you are probably overpaid. 

 [Why would he get a second try when he has so clearly failed?]

Monday, August 22, 2011

August Update 2011

[Just an interesting belt buckle I found during my online digging :) ]
 I hope that everyone is enjoying the 
wrap-up to 2011's Summer season.
It was a warm one at times, but I think that, 
on the whole, it was a good one.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I, and your other delegates, are very much looking forward to our meetings at the Hinckley Delegate Convention. There is going to be a transfer of power and position, and everyone is very interested in seeing how everything will play-out. I will keep you updated as the days progress.

Also, this past Sunday I went to the Armstrong Kennels Gamefair. It was a good [warm] time, but again, the cold will soon be upon us-so I'll take the warmth while it is available. Anyhow, the Gamefair encompassed all of it's ordinary attributes-what with its million dog-food vendors and guide services-but this year I noticed a booth I did not recognize from my previous visits. A stand for the AFL-CIO. The man working at the booth was a high school Teacher, naturally a Unionist. He was volunteering his time at this booth that sought to promote the enjoyment of the outdoors through the coordination of AFL-CIO members that are sportsmen. Essentially "Union Sportsmen." I can support that.
Pete Weber at Armstrong Kennels Gamefair 2011
I will have more information regarding the 
Hinckley Delegates Convention in the coming days.

PS: with the State Fair just a couple of days away, 
something to think about: do you remember Union Square?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Union Season

This tune was written up by 
#322 member Joyce Stone.

When is the last time you felt so strongly about an issue that you composed a letter, made a phone call, wrote a song, posted 
about it on Facebook, sent a text... 
Remember that vocalizing your position is what breeds change.

Union  Season
Sung to the tune of the Dreidel Song
Lyrics by Joyce M. Stone
Written for the Twin Cities Labor Chorus
We have a little union
We organized ourselves
We fight for living wages
We fight our working hells

Oh, ”Justice, justice, justice!”
This is our loudest cry
Together we fight bosses
We organize or die

They tell us that we’re lazy
They cheat us on our pay
Those bosses drive us crazy
Our union’s here to stay

They listen to no reason
And order us about
But now it’s union season
Together we all shout

Oh, ”Justice, justice, justice!”
This is our loudest cry
Together we fight bosses
We organize or die

Our workplace is too dirty
We cannot wash our hands
The heat is overwhelming
We need some ceiling fans

We’re fighting for more bathrooms
And for our coffee break
We need some dust collectors
Our safety is at stake

Oh, ”Justice, justice, justice!”
This is our loudest cry
Together we fight bosses
We organize or die

They’re trying to divide us
Don’t listen what they say
We’re sisters, we are brothers
We must have equal pay

Our union’s getting bigger
Won’t shatter like it’s clay
We’re all in this together
We’re stronger every day

Oh, ”Justice, justice, justice!”
This is our loudest cry
Together we fight bosses
We organize or die

Monday, August 8, 2011

Remember when everyone had a Union?

Do you remember when everyone enjoyed the benefit of Union representation?

My grandmother, Dotty Weber, was an employee of Country Club Market, at Lexington & Larpenteur, back when they were still in business [quite some time ago] 
and took part in the Union-picketing that occurred there in 1989.

[PS> do you see how even they were affiliated with the AFL-CIO?]

This is picket-flag is an important reminder 
of the struggles our forefathers took 
upon themselves in order to provide
better lives for future generations.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Letters to Those in Power

As we try to understand just what in the hell Jim Moore was thinking when he decided to get his cronies to throw the election, let us remember the power derived from grass-roots activism.

Activism can be talking with someone about the situation or
writing a letter to the powers that be telling them just what is wrong.

You can organize with your Local's members to substantiate your position.

You can post your comments on the United/StrongerTogether blog.

People telling it like it is, stating their opinion, 
just like this, is what wins hearts & minds.

Letter From Membership Contesting Re-Election


1 of 3-United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners Constitution-pages 1 Thru 10

2 of 3-Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners Constitution-pages 11 Through 21

3 of 3-United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners Constitution-pages 22 Through 33

Wednesday, August 3, 2011





Stealing from the UBC in Wisconsin

The story below happened in Wisconsin, just like Union-busting legislation did:

Read the story & then think about:
How does someone successfully 
write 12 to 15 checks to themselves
and not get caught?

Is this the type of leadership we want 
in office for the next four years?

Is the person I am supporting,

United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners (UBC)

Ex-Wisc. Employee Charged with Embezzlement

Denise Crerar has been charged in the Outagamie County Circ. Ct. with stealing more than $264,000 from the Wisc. Regional Council of Carpenters. According to the criminal complaint, Ken Clark, exec. director of United Bhd. of Carpenters Local 1056, returned early from a Jan. business trip and saw a pile of checks on his desk all made payable to Crear. When confronted, Crear admitted that she had been writing 12 to 15 checks to herself each week since March 2001. Allegedly, she also kept more than $2,500 in testing fees from union members, and stole between $5,000 and $10,000 from the petty cash fund. [Capital Times, 3/23/04]