Friday, July 29, 2011

Re-Election Causation from Douglass J. McCarron


It was decided that the General Election of Local #322 was invalid.
This Re-Election is a disgusting 
and childish travesty, and we all know it.

I have posted the letter from Douglass J. McCarron explaining [the supposed] reasoning behind why we are being forced to hold a 2nd round of Nominations & Elections.

McCarron can give causation-
but everyone knows this Re-Election is really just backhanded BS.

Letter From Douglass J. McCarron Explaining Re-Election


  1. I think it is amazing that the very people that we pay to do our business can't even get a simple election notice correct. How hard is it? What a bunch of bozo's. After the past e board wrote it and approved it the notice was sent to the EST. He looks it over and OK's it. He must not have any understanding of the constitution and by-laws, election protocols or proper techniques. Why in the world would you let someone that doesn't understand the easy things negotiate your contract or healthcare. This man is a nincompoop.

  2. This man's actions explain why we need to have the RIGHT PEOPLE IN POWER.
